my $686 stereo system, laugh if you want...

I have just finished establishing my $686 stereo system. Laugh if you want, but I am enjoying my tunes on my vintage system. Audio Research D-100A amp, Audio Research SP-4A pre-amp(very cool stuff) both $50 at yard sale, Mistral CD player $84 at pawn shop, ADS L710 speakers(garage sale $10) rebuilt for $200, Luxman 110 tuner, $10 at thrift shop, Mirage PS-12-180 sub woofer $300 on Audiogon, radio shack Fusion IC $12 Ebay, and Monster Cable speaker wire $20 at Best Buy. Sounds good. Sarah Brightman, Bonnie Raitt, Sarah McLaclin all sounding good.
macrojack: actually, I confess to doing a lot of web searching on each piece of equipment. After I bought it though :o) I couldn't pass up the prices. I have sold a bunch of other stereo stuff that I bought at bargain basement prices that paid for this system 3 times over. I actually have a free system + approx. $1200($686 was just what I paid for each piece I am currently using). All sorts of Pioneer, Yamaha, etc. stereos at garage sales resold for profit. For instance, my Hafler 220 cost $172, sold for $275 2 weeks later, etc. My girlfriend thinks I need to seek professional help.
You got professional help at the high end shop. It wasn't what you needed at all.
How much did that girlfriend cost you?
Bottomsup,thats why I dont go to high end dealer now
they play mind games,they make you think that, the
only way you can put a good system is to spend big
dollars,not always.Internet and Agon is the best
that ever happen to me.If you read post here, most
of the time, you will learn more than the irritable
salesman at the dealer.So many optios now a day.
Here at Agon just make sure give them the right
information about what you like, they can help you.
Of course its better if you can audition them.
Keep your money,enjoy the 686.
Bottomsup,thats why I dont go to high end dealer now
they play mind games,they make you think that, the
only way you can put a good system is to spend big
dollars,not always.Internet and Agon is the best
that ever happen to me.If you read post here, most
of the time, you will learn more than the irritable
salesman at the dealer.So many options now a days.
Here at Agon just make sure give them the right
information about what you like, they can help you.
Of course its better if you can audition them.
Keep your money,enjoy the 686.High end dealers will
not spend time, with small guys, maybe 5 minutes the
most.In my fifteen years in this hobby, I have seen
a lot.The worse part also,they treat you better when
you park a benz.Even if you are not buying.