Musical, Warm and Smooth bookshelfs under 500

I've been searching for the perfect pair of budget bookshelfs (as close to perfect as one could get in this hobby) for my living room (11 by 11 ft extending to an open dining space to 1 side).

I've posted another thread here and have received some wonderful suggestions, but to narrow the options down (for an audition shortlist) I've decided to look at speakers based on my sonic preferences and needs.

Priority - in terms of performance - is for 2 channel audio. These would be mated to my LCD Tv and we would be watching movies and cable with these speakers as well - but in terms of performance audio comes first HT second.

I listen predominantly to Jazz but occasionally to contemporary genres as well. In terms of sound signature, I prefer something that's a little warmer, musical and smooth. Clarity is important, but not to the point of being bright. I'm relatively sensitive to high frequencies (at least with headphones - some of which are piercingly bright and painful) and appreciate a richer, well-grounded sound.

Please do nominate what you think would be the best set of speakers for these requirements.

I've had recommendations for the following:
- Audioengine A5
- Cambridge Audio S30
- Monitor Audio BX1 or BX2
- Wharfedale Diamond 10.1 or 10.2
- NHT SuperZero
- Pioneer SP BS41 LR (Andrew Jones)
- PSB Alpha B1
- Paradigm Atoms, or Titans
- Studio Monitors such as Adam Audio A3x/A5x Dynaudio BM5/6a etc

Please do chime in with ideal amp pairings as well, if you could =)

Many thanks guys!
MODERATERS PLEASE HELP, i am posting this with another account that i opened today just to reach you because every time i try to send you an email through AG is does not work, it says error, here is the problem that i'm having my user name for my other or original account is okeeteekid,
i changed my password for my okeeteekid account on Friday 11-18-2011 and for some reason now i can not access my page, all i get is a 500 error, i can log into audiogon but that's about it, also i can not reply to any of the forums as i keep getting a message that my password does not match my user name, when i request i forgot my password just to double check that i'm entering it correctly you guys send me the correct info back the way that i am entering it or to the way that i made the change on Friday, if i try to use my old password it doesn't work either, whats wrong? can you help? my e-mail address is if you want to reach me.
I'm loving my Bohlender Graebener Z-1. These speakers are a steal used in the 250-300 range. No listening fatigue which is my greatest requirement.
I have the same reaction to bright sounding speakers. They drive me crazy. Although it's a generalization, avoid metal tweeters.
You should definitely put the Polk Audio Lsi-7 on your list. Very musical little speakers that can be purchased as refurbs from Polk on ebay.
Celestion - circa early to mid 1990's. Model 3 or Model 5, or the DL8. You should be able to find all of the above on the used market for well under $300 a pair. Smooth, mellow, and laser-focused imaging, without being too laid-back or soft.

I used to sell them at an authorized Celetion dealer. The Model 3 in particular is an amazing little speaker for the price. We once put them head-to-head with Celetion's top SL700 speakers at $3,200 a pair, and the Model 3 put up a heck of a fight! I own a pair myself. Few bookshlef/monitor speakers reproduce the human voice as well as these, and since it sounds like TV watching will be common for you, these are right up your alley. Also, they LOVE jazz, classical, pop, and especially female vocal and accoustic guitar. My Model 3's sometimes sound better than my primary Infinity IRS Deltas for some of my more accoustic music - and they're more than 15 times the price!

If you realy want to get serious bang for your buck, check out the Celestion SL6 - they're based on the top SL700 but one third the cost (retail in 1990s). The SL6 often come up on Ebay or Audiogon for $300 to $500 a pair. WOW what sound from such a small speaker.

Ah, now you have me all misty-eyed... Sniff. Good times.

Leonard Cohen, via Jennifer Warnes: "It's four in the morning, the end of December. I'm writing you now just to see if you're better..."