Musical Fidelity Trivista 300 vs. kW500

A few extra $$'s appeared. Time to ditch the tweaked Hafler pre-amp/amp and go with my choice du jour: MF Trivista. Please advise...300 or the big 500 integrated amp. Driving my old but still damn good B & W 901F's, medium size room, mostly classical. Also need advice on a new (or good used) CD player to meld into this system...preferably multidisc (shudder you audiophiles). Thanks for any direction in the above quest. farmdoc
Hi Dave,

If you don't mind me side tracking here first, this store your talking of stinks! It would be easy for me to tell you to just forget that store because their treatment of you, but I also realize you can't simply go down the street to another dealer.

Your results with this amp does surprise me a bit and I can see why you'd question if the amp has something wrong. The best advice I could give is to call the U.S. distributer and relay what you have said here to them and see what they have to say.

Who knows, maybe it simply doesn't mate well with those speakers.


Very good sir, you had me wondering. I suspect the answer to your question involves the ugly green monster.


Will they let you do a home trial? If not, can you bring your speakers to them? I've listened to the kW500 on a few different speakers including the WATT/Puppies, but no Thiel's and it did not find it lacking bass on any of them. What interconnects are they using?
I can't remember the interconnects. They are using Kimber cables to the speakers and the 2.4s don't seem to be the problem. The ones at the store sound close enough to the same (on my amp) at the store and as my 2.4s sound at home on my amp. They've got plenty of detail and base short of the really deep base + LFE ranges.
Ah, I thought you were running older B&W's at home. Just a thought......I'm not a fan of Kimber cables, always found them light on bass. Do they have other cables you can demo with?
Maybe, but they are proud of the Kimbers and the other 2 amp have bass-a-plenty through them and the same speakers that the MF doesn't. The only thing changing between using my amp + MF pre vs MF amp + pre is the addition of cables from the pre-amp to my amp and the amps. So it's in the KW amp part of the integrated KW500