Musical Fidelity A324 DAC, Is this a ??

Is this a smooth sounding DAC?
Warm and detailed or very detailed and forward sounding?

Any opinions would be appreciated


I owned one for a while, before taking advantage of the upgrade to the tri-vista dac. I totally disagree with snofun3, I found it to be a big improvement over the redbook on my sony c555es, a highly regarded sacd/cdp. If you do not trust Sam’s opinions, look at the follow up measurements in stereophile….they are uniformly excellent. As to your question, the tri-vista is better, it delivers more detail…but the A324 is I would say slightly more one the detail side than the warmth side
In my small tube system , (cayin TA-30)it is excellent, I am useing a phillips cd80 for a transport through a monarchy dip,
odyssey epiphany speakers. I'm not familiar with the denon changers but it may be transport or system /cable dependent. Best bet is to see if you could borrow one and try it in your system. TG
I own a rotel RCD855. Used the dac your looking at. Not that dig a deal. Not a day and night diffrence that stereophile would make you think but they really didnt give that great of a review if you read. " It added more air then the jupider refrence player, your results may be better..." If I were you id spend some more $$ You will grow tired of it quick . The guy I sold mine to resold it in 2 months. I had it for 2 weeks... not trying to put it down just saving you some time.
Go to You can find reviews of the MF there. One does a comprison between the 3.24 and a Bel Canto DAC.

From what the reviews say it leans toward the warm side.
Well thank you very much for all the inputs!
Its really hard getting one on hand but that might be the only way. I have a Meridian Transport so that should not be an excuse by any means if the dac does not suit me, well I guess I have to try to get one and listen from away if possible.

I have heard some older dac and found them more musically satisfying than some newer fancy upsampling dac's so.........for example the original Goldmund DAC was just incredible and still very pricy.

Just a small not when I mean warm sounding, I dont mean DEAD like my former Audio Note external DAC (I tried 2 dac' and was not impressed so), a very dull sounding DAC with pretty much no resolution as an excuse to call in warmer and analog like when you are pretty much loosing the essentials of the goal of the DAC.

If it sounds anything like a Theta Gen V or so, I can easily live happily ever after, thanks again and keep them comming
