music server

Im very close to taking the plunge to a music server to store and play all of my CD collection for either a main system or dedicated headphone system. I dont want to have to be hooked to my computer per se.. but can make occassional connection as needed for upgrades etc.. i see products from Olive and Cambridge that are priced right and i kinow that some outfits like Red Wine / Reference audio mods provide modification packages. I consider myself an audiophile with the quality of sound being important, though not hard core.. music servers make so much sense .. thoughts / recommendations? I undoubtedly will use the server with my headamp senn 650 to start.. then experiment with my 2 channel system.
Mimberman - Like I said, dont let the poor sound of the Sonos stop you. With the Pace-Car reclocker it is world-class, inaudible jitter. Best combo of user interface and quality.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Again, I think the Cambridge is a great unit for those that are not highly computer savvy. I also looked at the Olive units (did not listen though) and from what I recall reading, they too, are quite simple to use without requiring too much computer savvy. I cannot comment any more than what I have read on the Olive systems in terms of sound quality (good, bad or otherwise).

I can tell you that my Cambridge is used by everybody in the family, from my wife, my 11 year old son and with his help, my 7 year old daughter. Which may not say much as kids now days are more computer savvy than most of us.
Music Servers for me are the only way to go!

I am using a Red Wine Modded Olive with a Headroom Home Maxed Amp, Northstar M192 Dac and Edition 9 headphones...pure audio bliss for a head-fi.

I will never buy a dedicated CDP. The Modded Olive is a wonderful player and anyone that is thinking of a computer for source should consider this server.