music hall A25.2 intergrated......

How does this compare toArcam,rega, NAD,creek,etc? Build quality? Looking for a fast,clean, modern sounding amp...not laid does this rate?
Given up on the Music Hall A25.2. Too dull looking, no reviews, no cheerleaders here. A sign?
I have the Music Hall 25.2 and love it. Sounds super natural. Nice top end and mids, I added a Velodyne sub for extended bass. i dont even think to use anything else....well..

I also have a Jolida 202 that is my main listening setup. {Cd's and L.P.'s} If I am listening just to listen then I use the Music Hall. If I want to sit and have a serious listen its the Jolida. {tubes}

I have my mac mini into the Music Hall for tons of iTunes listening. {250gb} Also TV watching and DVD's are all run through the Music Hall.

Never a problem and always a smile. It works great and lets the sound be the sound.

Its always on.

I would not hesitate to tell anyone to get this.

My Dad has a Rotel SS and a Bigger Jolida and a Musical Fidelity and he loves the sound out of the Music Hall.

You can check my system for everything I run into and out of it.

I had an additional question.

Can you hook up a turn table to the A25.2 as-is? I know it doesn't have an input labeled phono, but i'm confused since it is "integrated".

If I indeed do need a preamp (I see there's a preamp-out on it) would it be worth it to buy Music Hall's $150 entry level preamp to couple with it?
I purchased the A25.2 today (used for $200) but the guy allows returns, so i'm not sure what to do.