music for a broken heart

looks like my girlfriend and i are not going to make it. not because we don't love each other - we do - we simply live too far away from each other and for a couple of very good reasons neither one of us can move. that's enough on that painful topic but i would love to hear people's suggestions regarding music to get me through this very, very difficult time.


Nashville Skyline... a good friend of mine banned it from being played in his presence for around six months after he broke up with a long time s/o.

I've spent more than one evening listening to that and Yo La Tengo's And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out with a generous pour of Bookers.
My first suggestion is to examine at what price do you end a relationship that the leading problem is physical distance from each other. If it does not work out I suggest any of the first four Joe Jackson albums. It sounds like this guy never had a positive relationship in his life. The music is very good. Also listen to the first two Pretenders albums. These were what I listened to after my first heartbreaking relationship. It was a while ago.

Do not listen to country or any sappy "love hurts"music. If you really want to feel bad there is a song called "Total eclipse of the heart". I do not remember the artist but it was very popular around the time of my first heartbreaking relationship and I kept hearing it over and over. I hate that tune.

Feel Better. Remember, this is a great time to upgrade your system. Actually, I am not sure if I remember a time that was not a great time to upgrade my system.

Gregg,my recommendation would depend on what you want to achieve.If you just wish to live it through I would suggest 'Cielo e Terra' by Al Di Meola and 'Siroco' by Paco De Lucia.If however you prefer to heighten your instincts to such a degree that nothing would stop you from joining your woman,Miles Davis'Bitches Brew',Mahavishnu Orchestra'Inner Mounting Flame' and 'Castillo de Arena with Paco de Lucia' by Camaron de la Isla could help.
Drew, I think it was air supply that did Total eclipse of the heart. After reading this thread I'm starting to lean towards Don't give up, Peter Gabriel. Or how about We can work it out, The beatles. YEA that's the ticket! Turn your love around, George Benson. Lady, Styx. Let's think positive and give it some more time.

When like is unkind
The song bird no song
You ride on the tide
Of what comes along
But soon very soon
The sun will appear
You open your eyes
I'll be there
I'll be there.

Think Positive and let us know what happens:~)