Music First Audio Passive Magnetic Preamplifiers?

I want to know if anybody tried and compared this rare preamplifiers.
I´m really interest on this brand but I couldn't find anything here in Audiogon.
I will apreciate your opinions.
Audiofun, what does your system consist of? Was the shootout performed in your system or someone else's? Was it blinded in any way?

I am curious to hear more about the "current generation" TRL reference pre-amp you heard since most of those units are overseas. A majority of the references stateside are 10-15 years old (and older....).

There have been recent shootouts between the recent generation TRL Dude (mid-level TRL unit) and the Concert Fidelity and AR anniversary addition by people I know in high resolution systems with state of the art conditioning, etc, and the results were the exact opposite of your findings.

After spending the past weekend at Axpona, it reconfirmed that audio is a wickedly subjective hobby and seems to be steered by system and brain chemistry more than anything else. I guess that is part of what makes it entertaining and fun....
Hi Agear, one of my best audiophile friends thought he was set if not for life, at least for a very long time with the TRL reference preamp, I believe it was the latest generation, until he auditioned the Concert Fidelity in his system, and sold off the TRL piece as fast as he could.

This only proves that their is no "BEST" of anything in our crazy/fun hobby. It comes down to personal taste and system synergy.
I agree that Music First is way overpriced...
By the way Music First just sells Billingtons made transformer, you can buy them directly for much less money :
Agear, none of the tests were blind. I do not understand the point of your statement that most "current gen" TRL gear is overseas, this "current gen" TRL gear is in Chicago:) As a former owner of both the GT 200 mono blocks and the GTP 2 preamp (TRL) I'm very familiar with this gear. 

The Pre was the (if I recall correctly) GT4 but I will check with my uncle tomorrow (and I assure you the Pre and the 300 watt TRL monoblocks are right here in the good old USA :) The comparison was performed at my Uncles place with me having taken my MFA units to his house as we often do shootouts at his place do to his dedicated listening room, plus the fact that I'm younger and it is much easier for me to haul gear :)

Hi Teajay, it's my uncle you are speaking of :) 

Oh, the preamp and amps mentioned (TRL) were made to order in the last year and a half I believe. Th GT4 unit is far above the TRL DUDE.

Everything eventually gets surpassed and while I thought my TRL gear was the best gear ever 10 years ago, I have owned and now own amps and preamps that flat out surpass that line of gear, however, YMMV :)
N37000, if those are still available, that is an AWESOME price and I would suggest people jump all over it :). I have sent a question to MFA concerning your' points, however, I think MFA is the finished product line entity if you will of S&B. I also am pretty sure they stopped selling their transformers to other parties.

I will update this thread with the answers I receive from MFA but thanks for the info :)