Muse 9 Opinions?

In my system I am about 75% music and 25& video. Is anyone familiar with this unit, what do you think about it for both CD and video. Will I need a DAC with it or not. Any competitive model info appreciated as well. Thank you. Rick
Haven't actually played with one to have an opinion, but I noticed that the current issue of Hi Fi News reviews it, and the soon-to-be-released issue of Ultimate Audio reviews the 9 Signature.
Have the Muse Nine and like it very much. Very musical. Would recommend cardas golden cross or Yamamura M6000 interconnect to get the full advantage of this player. Have tried DVD-audio: Sara K (no cover) including video. An excellent palyer for CD, DVD-A and DVD-video.
You can also pick up great review in the U.K. publication Hi-Fi+ (Jan./Feb) issue.