MSB select II vs all dacs ?

Wherever I read I see unanimous praise for the MSB Select II. Of course this DAC is super pricey and out of the reach of many (including me). I wanted to know for anyone who has heard it have you also heard a DAC that approached it in sonic performance? One name that was thrown around by a few people I know is the  Rockna Wavedream. Anyone make that comparison?
Yep, definitely not grinding an axe here either, this is the truth. Ask around and you quickly find out about his interactions with others, mainly US dealers. I know of two US dealers who recently expressed interest in carrying the Rockna line but flat out decided against it after a conversation with him. IMO, he's seriously holding back the brand in the US. I had a Rockna from one of his dealers here in the US, but returned it, in part because of him being at the forefront of support for it- not thanks.

Lastly, people need to know, he is not from nor does bob reside in the US, and therefore has an extremely limited and short-sighted understanding of the US hifi market and customer. 

People just need to be informed. What you do with the information is up to you from here. 
@rhapsody From everyone I have talked to the rockna is far superior to yggy2 but I have not heard either so can't personally comment.
To me all the digital is very good at this point and allows one to enjoy music through digital.  Everyone is different and their systems and preferences are different.  Hard to generalize for me.  My experience is that it is more individualistic depending on someones entire equation, including budget.
Just wanted to say that my own experiences with Bob and worldwidewholesales has been positive. I never felt pressured, and all of the advice that he gave me turned out to be 100% true. It started when I was comparing various USB cables (between my Aurender N100H and Hegel HD30) DAC... some of the cables I was auditioning were over $2k... and Bob suggested that I try the Inakustik USB which was just a few hundred dollars with a no-risk trial period. He assured me it would sound better than the cables I was using and when the cable arrived my ears heard exactly what he had said. Same thing with the Inakustik power conditioner. I know that all sales persons, naturally, are interested in selling. Of course. However, all of the advice that Bob has given me has been accurate, and I never felt pressured in any way with him trying to "close a sale". I think he's a music lover just like us and has personally auditioned a LOT of gear and sharing that experience might come across as "not listening" to some folks, but for me, he was always open to hearing about the particulars of my system and listening preferences and his advice was tailored accordingly.