Moving from the Magnepan 3.6 to the 20.1

I've been enjoying my Magnepan 3.6's immensely since I picked up a used pair about six months ago. This has got me wondering just how good the 20.1's could really be. My room is probably large enough for the 20.1's; it's 17.5w x 26L x 9h.

Unfortunately my local dealer doesn't stock the 20'1's so I don't have easy access to a pair for serious auditioning.

Have you made this move? How much 'better' are the 20.1's than the 3.6's? Were they better? What stood-out between the two?

do the Cary 500 MB's ever seem to run out of steam driving your 3.6's? What do you like the most about them? Did you compare them against other high-power amps before you purchased them?

You have an interesting point about the midrange on the 3.6 vs 20.1s. I honestly like the mids better on the 3.6 for lack of a technical reason. I just keep my comments to myself though because I have only heard each of these speakers for a few hours.

Can you give us anymore details on why you feel the 3.6s midrange is better in sonic terms? I felt the 3.6s had more midrange energy and life but I could not put my finger on it. I needed a longer demo I guess.
May I know where I can read more on the DRC subs? In particular why would the synergy with 3.6.
Zoltm, (sorry if wandering OT here)

Velodyne web site for the DD series subs or SMS-1 sub controller

SVS web site for their DRC sub controller

JL web site for the (more limited) DRC feature in their subs

I'm sure that there are more - but you can start there. Also search these threads for "DRC subwoofer" - I've participated in more than a few discussions of this subject.

Good Luck


I have no experience with 3.6R's, but I have used Cary 500MB's with my 1.6QR's for about 1.5 yrs. I bought the amps anticipating a move up to 3.6R's, but they have been such a wonderful upgrade that I decided to put my purchase of 3.6's on hold for a while. I think the advice you are getting on upgrading the amp first is good advice. On the Cary's, these amps are just so smooth and sweet you can't help but love them. And at 1000 W into 4 Ohms they drive the 1.6's with ease. I can't see myself ever letting go of mine.