Movies that featured High End equipment

I was wondering what movies featured high end audio equipment.The ones i can recall are:9 1/2 weeks,Wall Street and some old Sandra Bullock movie about monkeys and some magic potion (they had Krell system in it).

That's about it.Anyone can add something to it?Thanks
I just saw a 1964 episode of "The Twilight Zone" starring John McGiver called "sounds and silence" in which he enjoys playing LPs of live battle sounds on a system with what appears to be a collection of Mac tube amps, tuner and a Gerrard TT.
Slightly off topic, but after the credits for the new sitcom Modern Family, there is an image of a record playing from above (has the production company name or something), and the tonearm/headshell is clearly from a Lenco.
Does someone know what speakers are the ones on xXx Vin diesel in the bad guy room when he wakes up with the women. they are a blue with a glossy finish.
The best episode of Mr. Ed ever: Wilbur buys his wife a HiFi for their anniversary. (Of course his wife is not impressed.) It is the single long cabinet variety common in the early 1960's. Mr. Ed comes in during the night because he can't sleep and tries to play some music. He turns on a sound effects record which is followed by mayhem. I saw that episode late one night when I was jet lagged and couldn't sleep. It was hilarious.
TV comedy "30 Rock" often shows a pair of Revel Ultima Salon2's in Tracy Morgan's dressing room...