Most Refined? Plinius 102 - Bryston 4B - Pass 250

I heard the Plinius 102 making very seductive music at the recent CES (pair with Harbeth 7 monitors).
I've been a tube guy most of my career but have been thinking about exploring fine SS.

The Bryston is reputed to be among the most quite and has price/warranty advantages.
The Pass is also well regarded.
Is there a clear choice in this group?
Is there something better (price a factor) I haven't heard?
The 47 Labs "Gaincard" mini also blew me away but has limited applications.
I was helping out in that room. We had the SA102 biased into class A most of the time - that helped the sound. The Pass stuff is a newer design - no idea vs. which is better.

I have owned the 47Lab gaincard - it's a nice amp that has more power than it's rating suggests. (easily 45wpc instead of rated 25wpc). It will drive most stuff no problem, including full range electrostatics and others. It has a very fast and immediate sound vs. other SS amps.

I agree that the sound was great in the Harbeth room and also in the Plinius room, where the SA102 was driving the Harbeth Super HL5's. Made we wonder about the TAS review of that amp. Made me want to get Harbeth speakers and then think about looking at a Plinius amp. Which was more responsible for the seductive sound in those rooms?.
I own the Plinius SA 102 hooked up direct to a Resolution Audio Opus 21 and driving Nautilus 803's. I think it sounds lovely, natural and very powerful whether in A/B or A.

I bet the Pass is nice too. I think there's a couple X250's and SA 102's for sale right now for about the same price.
Considering that you've owned tubes, the Bryston will be the driest of the ones you've mentioned. I would consider Sim Audio Moon since you are looking at the likes of Plinius and Pass Labs.