Most "Non-Digital" Sounding CDP

I have a Cary 308 cdp. It's very detailed and full--I won't say "warm," because it's not. Indeed, I would say that it just sounds like a very, very good "digital" product. What have you all heard that doesn't make you think "digital?"
The Audio Note 2.1x is very sweet, Dynamic & open. It
does not sound "digital" to me at all. Very smooth. I like it so
much, I just ordered a 3.1x.
I love Electrocompaniet EMC-1 mkII sound.
I don´t miss my old turntable and don´t have $15K to start making comparisons.
The LINN CD12 is the most "analog", NON digital CD player I've ever auditioned by a long shot. A must hear, even if you can't afford it!