Most NEUTRAL class A mono's

Hi Goners,

Would like some opinions on which amps you feel are the most neutral for the Tidal Sunrays [By Tidal of Germany]
To go with bi-amping them, the Tidal mono's and then stereo amps are amazingly expensive!

Thanks to all...
Sanders Sounds mono's seem to be very neutral. I am using the ESL Monoblocks for Soundlab M1's and they have enormous power and finess. Very under rated amps - worth a listen. Roger has the Kilowatt Monoblock's for non-ESL speakers.
Sorry, I meant to add that the Sanders are not class A but seem to be in that league without any of the heat problems. I was looking for a high power class A single ended amp but the cost can be over the top and they use hugh amount of power and run hot etc. I love class A but so far I am very impressed with the sound of the Sanders. They idle at 7w but can peak at over 2000w
Gryphon Mirage and Colosseum amps. The Antileon Signature Mono's are also quite good, in a different league vs the stereo.