MOON I-5 versus KRELL KAV 400XI

I am in that dilemma.

I have only been able to listen to the Moon, KRELL does not arrive here.

Anyone of both I must import by myself.

Somebody has listened to both, as they would be the differences of type of sound among them?

The MOON I-5 I tried it with my speakers (Triangle NAIA) and worked very well, good matching. My doubt, is if with the Krell it will not be still better.

Hi Paul,the cable that I rec is the Master for first time users,this cable is one of the most musical well rounded cables.The Master has a rightness that once you hear it, you know that it isn't editoralising the signal coming from the system.If you have the cabbage to spend then I think that the Master LE is one of the best cables in existance.It is also a great value when you put it up against the rest of the VD line up.If you are willing to try a used cable then grab one from the agon classifieds ( there is a maste p/c for a great price,but, be sure to give it proper time to settle into your system 3-4 days min.).I hope this helps and please let us know what you think if you try it!Cheers Dennis
Glad to see mention of the Naim Nait 5. I my humble opinion and experience, the Sim Audio I-5 is not in the same league, sonically speaking, as the legendary Naim.

Heck, even a 20 year old original Naim Nait 1 (I've owned one from 1984 to 1994, still miss it) will smoke the Moon in some areas. Naim is expensive, yet it's no flavor or the month...
You may want to also have a look at the new Moon i5.3, which is considered as the replacement of the i-5. It has better bass, more dynamics, incredible layering and 3-dimensionality. Although I agree the new Krell 400 integrated is not cold, it is IMO nonetheless analytical and lacking in musicality compared to the i5.3. Perhaps this also explains why the Krell, although almost three times as powerful, is less expensive than the Moon. A look inside each machine shows the Moon has having more circuitry and a larger power supply, despite its lower power rating. However, in terms of power output on paper, the Krell wins, but you could barely tell that unless your speakers are very power hungry. I recommend you listen to the i5.3 before you make your final decision, but all these integrateds are good choices anyways.
Dspraglow ... just a small correction. I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with your assessment of the Moon i5.3 vs Krell KAV-400xi, but it is not true that the i5.3 has a larger tranformer than the Krell. The Moon i5.3 has a 500VA transformer whereas the Krell KAV-400xi has a 800VA transformer. In relation to their output power the Moon's transformer would be bigger, but your statement says that the Moon's transformer is larger "...despite its lower power rating". This is not incorrect, so I just thought that people should know the actual sizes if this in any way influences their possible purchase decision.

I agree that they both would be good pieces. It quite often comes down to purely personal preference and $$$.

If it was me, I'd definitely consider the Bel Canto S300i or S300iu (if you want the USB DAC option). But, of course, I'm biased being a Bel Canto dealer, so you can take that with a grain of salt. As another disclosure, I used to be a Krell dealer and am very familiar with the 400xi.
I am auditioning this integrated now, and I wouldn't characterize it as cold sounding at all. Typical modern day Krell if you ask me. Powerful, honest, big, and in regards to this particular piece a tremendous value.

It is however a typical solid state piece of equipment, and doesn't really have a dynamic personality as far as emotional depth and warmth. If I were going to knock it I would say slightly sterile, but a lot of SS could be described that way.

I personally think this thing is a nice piece, could easily be a $5000 integrated, and I think Krell knows this but....They strategically take a loss on this piece to own this segment (which they do) and to give the everyday apartment dweller a taste of their sound.