Monitor Speaker Vote "Face Off"...

I have being visiting Audigon for the last year and I find the postings very helpful. I am presently in the process of buying a set of monitor spekers in the range of $1000-$1500 used. I am considering Tylo Ref. Monitors, Silverline SR-17,
Solliloquy 5.0, ProAc 1SC and Sonus Faber Concerto. Before I buy I would like for you to help me by "voting" for your favorite (doesn't have to be my cosiderations) in that price range used. The one with the most "votes" gets the nod from me. Thanks!
Thanks Chas. I have heard great things obout the NewForm Research R630. It has been highly recommended. I did not include them im my choices because they probably would not have great wife (speaker) approval. But I keep hearing Silverline!

Here's a solution I saw recently to the "appearance problem" - the guy built a couple of small, thin legged tables that fit over the cabinet, but behind the ribbon. Actually used something like Vibrapods on the feet, in fact. The tables were shallow trays, waterproofed, on which he put plants! I thought it was ingenious - broke up the visual lines of the speaker without impacting the acoustics much, if at all. I guess theoretically we could do the same thing with our stand-based monitors, as well, but to get those ribbons, I can get creative!

Listened to a new Liz Story cd on the Silverlines last night. Might just as well have been sitting on the piano itself.

Thanks to those who submitted their opinion in this matter. However, the response was not overwhilming to say speaker "X" got the majority of the votes and I will go with that.
No recount wa needed. I took many of the things said to heart and decided to do it alone as it were. After much thought, research and sweat I purchased a pair of Tyler Acoustics Tylo Reference Monitors. I have not regreted one moment with these speakers. They are absolutely stunning! Their imageing and disappearing act is just incredible. How the music is "layered" across the room was quite a novelty to me. But the most unbelievable part is that the Tylos perform like this hooked up to a fifteen year old Kenwood receiver! Tyler Acoustics is for real. It has been a fantastic way of getting introduced to the world of high end. I would recommend the Tylos to any audiophile. Well, now you know how I chose. Again, thanks for your input. Your opinions did help.