Monitor Audio Silver 8 - Power Handling

I have a question regarding the power handling of the Silver 8s.  I am using a Emotiva EPA-2 Get 2 amp which is rated 300w/ch for 8ohm and 500w/ch 4ohm.  The Silver 8s indicate power handling of up to 200 I in danger of putting too much power through to them?  I've had them now for about 9 months with no issues but certainly don't want to create a problem. 


@213runnin, I'm glad you mentioned the NAD as I was just looking at some of their amps today.  I wish I had a dealer closer to home for auditioning some of the other contenders.

@rotarius, in what way would the A21 be overkill?  Higher quality than the speakers? or output?
I would love to eventually upgrade to MA gold or platinum series speakers, but that is a ways off.  I would however like to get an amp (now) that is "qualified" to drive even the PL 300s with commensurate resolution/detail/etc.  

Does anyone have experience with the Bel Cantos?  I've read good reviews on stereophile.
jdekehoe, the A21 is overkill because of the required wattage.  You keep bringing up resolution and detail, sonic differences in good quality SS amps are far less than differences in preamps and sources.  There is a good chance you may not hear any difference between the A23 and A21 with your Emotiva preamp.  Tube amps are a different story. Your preamp choice will make or break your system.