Monitor Audio Gold 10's or Quad 12L

I am looking for new monitors and have listened to the Monitor Audio GR10's and like them enough to settle for them. I'm using a Sugden A21a class-a amp, with Naim solid copper core wire and a Njoe Tjoeb 4000. What I liked about the GR10's is the accuracy of the middle and upper ranges - the bass is very controlled to the point of colourless.
Upon reading I have seen a lot of excellent reviews for the Quad 11 &12L's for very much the same reasons above, some have compared them to Harbeth and Proac for there accuracy and non-colouration.
In my area I can pick up both the GR10's and the Quad 12L's for roughly the same price. Does anyone have any convincing arguements to present before I check out the Quads?
I have not yet heard the Quads, but can say that the Monitor Audio Gold 10's are a fine sounding small speaker for the you stated, they are quite uncolored, are easy to drive, and are quite attractive as well. For about the same price, also listen to the Revel M20's. Another fine speaker for the price.
just listened to Monitor Audio Gold 10 for the last two nites in a row.........seem a bit too least for my taste. Interestly, i was comparing them to the Monitor Audio Silver 8 small towers and found them a little less bright...........I guesss the flip side to that is that their highs aren't as good. Its all personal taste i guess.

I currently have NHT super zero with NHT SubOne 250W subwoofer - - - the super zeros don't seem to add or take anything......dunno.......MA Silver 8's sounded so good in the middle and upper bass.

I would definately go with the Quads. They are one of the best speakers in its class