Quote from tekaudiospecialties1
"BTW I prefer the older Sunlight fw on mine; it’s more open and dynamic and alive sounding. It’s playing here now."
Sunlight is the last firmware (newest) for the MK1.
Did you mean an older version?
Here is the order of firmware for the MK1.
FMC-09 6115 2014
FMC-10 9114 2014
Pikes Peak 1/2015
Yale 7/2015
Huron 5/2016
Torreys 7/2016
Snowmass 3.00 11/2018
Snowmass 3.04 11/2018
Snowmass 3.05 12/2018
Snowmass 3.06 2019
Windom 10/2019
Sunlight **LAST** 4/2021