Mobile Fidelity Recording

I have heard several of these cd's and have been very unimpressed. They are slightly better then the originals but not by much and the general over all quality poor. The only good ones I have heard are Pink Floyed which are great to begin with. Am I missing something? Did I just happen to not hear some of the better ones?
I don't know which ones you have listened to but most od MOFIs disks are subtlely better to just awsome.Certainly the Pink Floyds are good example,Johm Mellecamp,Moody Blues are examples of far superior to their counterpart cds.Don Maclean,,Jethro Tull are examples of modest gains over the commercial cds.The original master was crap in the first place.If you have good audio equipment,the audible differences are obvious.
I've had the great pleasure of reviewing MFSL recordings in both the LP and CD format. With the advent of GainII technology, some resmastered discs were simply breathtaking. The level of execution in transfers was consistently of the highest order. I own nearly every MFSL gold CD, aluminium CD and LP (with the exception of about five) and there is no way, I would ever part with a single one of these. Something is not right with your system or listening parameters. I suggesst you relisten, then you may reconsider. It was a very sad day for me when the company went under. MFSL had a superb staff of dedicated people. They, as well as its recordings, are missed. While I would not always agree with some of their choices to remaster, it was always fun to read with great anticipation forthcoming titles. Better still was purchasing these and giving each a repeated spin. MFSL's dedication produced clear and worthy improvement over mediocre sources and superb results from great ones. I think I'll go play a few now.
Very Well said Victor1. I think I am going to spin a few MFSL Gold CDs myself tonight. A little Dave Grisman -Hot Dawg and Elton John Madman Across the Water.
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Heard through the grapevine that a Chicago base company is looking to buy the rights to MFSL, not sure if the same quality level will be duplicated. Heard that it could possibly happen in a few months. I for one do hope this happens and that the quality is as in the past, especially being a buyer of these outstanding CD's.