Mint LP provides Stevenson Alignment

First, I happen to own and like a Mint LP protractor, but over the course of time it has become obvious to me that no one up to now has pointed out that it is providing the Stevenson alignment.  I have even read several self appointed  experts here argue vehemently that either Lofgren or Baerwald alignments are far superior to Stevenson, but then go on to equally strongly advocate the use of the Mint LP.  If ever there were an argument that alignment is somewhat over emphasized in our hobby, this is perhaps a good example of the truth of that thought.  Recently I bought a Feickert protractor, which is very easy to use and have tried all the alignments using it.  I can hear differences, but not always, certainly not on every track of every record, and honestly they are all good.  So don't get you pants in a bunch over this trivial issue.
@downunder : Perhaps not?, I have no doubt: do you? because is you who like it higher distortion levels in the 97% ! of the recorded grooves ! ! that you listen it and maybe not the 97% but 100% %.

Good for you ! !

Benjie and Raul
Thanks.  It is obvious that I side with “it doesn’t matter which protractor you use.”   Maybe I should look into this more.  Nah...I’ll just listen to music.

rauliruegas9,055 posts02-05-2019 7:52am@downunder : Perhaps not?, I have no doubt: do you? because is you who like it higher distortion levels in the 97% ! of the recorded grooves ! ! that you listen it and maybe not the 97% but 100% %.

Good for you ! !


ROFL. I also own the Thales Simplicity 2 tonearm that makes all the alignment choices a complete joke as it has no tracking distortion.

As I said, I prefer overall the sound of the alignment that the tonearm designer used - Stevenson in the Exclusive P3. I can hear the added bite/distortion in the first track of so of Stevenson alignment, but it’s pleasant ( not distorted at all) and much preferable overall to Baer alignment in this tonearm, despite the BS about higher distortion figures.

You go on and on about the distortions of the 30K SAT tonearm, yet many buyers love the sound and reviewers go gaga over it.

Perhaps you should do some listening instead of looking at distortion charts :-)

btw - What alignment does the SME 3012-R have. Superb sounding tonearm and craps all over my Graham Phantom - it luvs the heavy Dyna XV-1s.
Anyone can reread an earlier post about alighment methods, so much has been said HERE
@downunder  : "  despite the BS about higher distortion figures. ""

as I said it: that's what you like it and was not me who used the BS expression. Every one has what his knoledge levels permit and what you have is exactly that. BS or not you can't do nothing against facts and you have no single fact that proves what you posted other than the BS: " That's what I like it ", this is real BS. Don't you think? where are your facts? where?
