Mini office system?

Hi -

Can you recommend a budget mini system a small office? I have space for smallish speakers, and want an integrated amp/tuner/cd. I might add a PC network device someday, but not yet. Budget is $200-$300, and used equipment is great.

I hardly ever frequent my listening room anymore, but it has MF300 stuff in there, just as a point of reference. I could enlist this pair of budget BIC bookshelf speakers lying around unused, tho they seem wee big for the available office space, and I'd still need a recommend for something integrated to power/tune/CD them.

Thanks for your time & thoughts - Ralph
Ralpheburns: You are right that the Swans are a little imposing on the desktop; in my case a 3'X5' table, also holding laptop, Dell 19" flat screen, and a 14 lb. Maine Coon. I am findingthem a bit cluttering, and in fact purchased them as a gift for someone who would like some sounds and is likely to change apartments a lot in the near term. On the other hand, they are very uncluttering technology-wise (e.g., only one new power cord), and sound surprisingly good. Not sure one gets much imaging, though, with the monitor clogging the centerfield. jmd
Ok it's a plan, it's the lettle Denon for now and PC audio after a server is installed. I've a lossless PC-to-tubes type of friend coming around in a couple weeks, so I'll try to get a primer from him (or is there a good web tutorial?).

jmd: my space is not quite a cramped as yours -
notice the lavish decorations.....
Ralpheburns: The Swans would be fine on the credenza (?) behind you. I'd certainly not want them on your desk space. Interesting question, about imaging from the rear. jmd