Ming Da MC-3008-A2 Mono Blocks

Can anyone comment on the sound and quality of the Ming Da MC-3008-A2 Mono Blocks from Pacific Valve?...

I can't find any reviews. The tube topology is (2)12AX7, (2)12AU7, (2)300B, (2)805 tubes.

I am also curious, how would it compare to the Ming Da 845 amp?...

I am going to run it as a integrated amp with a Cambridge Audio CDP 640v2. Speakers are Paradigm S40 v3.
Thank you Casouza and Response34! The sonic signature of a 300B and 805 combination is captivating. Pacific Valve appears to be the exclusive U.S. distributor for the MC-3008-A2 amp. I found out that Ming Da builds the A2 version to Pacific Valve's specifications with modified components. I also like the fact that I can use it as an amp or integrated amp. Not bad for $2,800 and 30 day guarantee.

Casouza, Wow! I didn't notice the DC rectifier on the underbelly photo. I'll change the stock front end tubes with what I have: NOS Telefunken 12AX7 Smooth Plates, and Telefunken 12AU7 tubes. Changing the 300B or 805 may/not be necessary. After the warranty is over, I may replace the bypass caps with Black Gates or Elna-Cerafine units, and coupling caps to Auricaps or Mundorf Silver/Oil...

Thanks again, guys!
I own the 3008a monoblocks and all I can say is WOW. With the right tubes these amplifiers will seduce you in every frequency. I am driving some old VMPS Tower IISE to loud levels. They are a 4 ohm load and 90db at 1 watt which is efficient. The bass is just down right deep and tight even with the stock tubes. My tube selection is as follows:
Svetlena 300B
RCA 805
12au7 Amperex (Holland)
5751 GE 3MBP silver clips

I tried Teles in the au and ax position and was unimpressed.

I bought these 2.5 years ago from Pacific Valve and have had great customer service. Absolutely no problems with these amps. I also own the Doge 6 and the Ming Da MC2A3. These 4 units together are just magical.
just a couple of things: Casouza is mostly correct but: the tube is an RF tube so it must be run in class A2(grid positive) to get the power. and as an SET amp it can never run in class AB2. My experience with 845 and 211 amps is they seem to play louder and push speakers conventional wisdom says they shouldn't be able to do to high spl levels while maintaining smooth sound. I would suspect this amp will do the same.
Also amps running in class A2 can run as High as (805) 125/2 but usually around 125<3 so 30 watts could be comfortable for this amp with reasonably low distortion. It's all about the power supply.
88man ;
I was checking that very same amp out and could only find two reviews . One was done by a Pacific Valve employee . The other , was not very favorable at all . Everything else that I could find was from people , asking for wiring diagrams , who wanted to use this amp as a base for rebuilding . All of this was in the SET section of Audio Asylum .

Now you have a favorable review above .That is one good , one bad , one questionable and several that don't consider it good enough to use as a stock unit . I decided to look elsewhere for now .
It is a shame that there are not more reviews for this unit as it does read as a possible good piece . If you do decide to try it out , I would be very interested in your opinion .

Good luck .