Miles Davis - Kind of Blue - current pressing

Hello all,
How good is the current Mile Davis' "Kind of Blue" by Classic Records (SKULCLA8163Q)?

I have a Columbia pressing of it already which sounds great to me, except it now has a 1/4" scratch across Flamenco Sketches due to my multitasking (ringing telephone, damn).

The product description touts 200g, Classic Quiex SV - Super Vinyl, proper speed, etc. etc., but I'm wondering at the end of the day, how good this pressing is.

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I´d be happy to hear comments as I´m into buying a definite edition of this record as well (shame on me, but I do not have any earlier releases). As to the quietness, as much as I understand it depends also on the quality of the original analogue tapes and if one tries to get it more quiet, a lot of the details would be suppressed as well, so just being quite is not necessarily a good thing.
No good, not even close. Dull, no dynamics / punch, no focus, can't place instruments on the stage, piano sounds muffled.