Mid range planar magnetics

Hi all, I’m really interested in the new PS Audio FR 20s, principally because I’m intrigued by the 10” planar mid. Obviously there is a laundry list of manufacturers that produce speakers with AMT tweeters, but are any of you aware of competitors of PS Audio that likewise are using a larger planar magnetic driver for the mids? 
Thanks in advance!


So I’m definitely not trying to be contrary, but does that essentially mean that no one is currently producing a “completed” speaker with a mid-range planar magnetic, aside from PS Audio? Not GR Research, not the Dynaudio Evoke line, and not Infinity? That seems odd to me, not that I know of an alternative either. Does anyone have thoughts as to why no one but PS Audio is using a planar mid-range?

Evoke Speakers is currently producing models with planar magnetics for their midrange drivers.  Evoke Speakers is a speaker manufacturer unrelated to Dynaudio.  Here is a link to their website:
