It's a 1541a. It was the first DAC that Micromega made, with a volume control/preamp or buffer amp in it. It even has external analog input.
1 year later they came up with the DUO B.S. (bitstream). It was 1989 i believe.
I just hooked it up yesteday with a "fancy" power cord (back in the 80-90s, nobody used any fancy power cord), a Denon 3930 as a transport, directly drove my CJ LP70S, and the sound is actually VERY respectable. A very different kind of sound, not as detail as the Denon, but definitely very "Organic".
Now I am even thinking about sending it somewhere to get it modded ...
1 year later they came up with the DUO B.S. (bitstream). It was 1989 i believe.
I just hooked it up yesteday with a "fancy" power cord (back in the 80-90s, nobody used any fancy power cord), a Denon 3930 as a transport, directly drove my CJ LP70S, and the sound is actually VERY respectable. A very different kind of sound, not as detail as the Denon, but definitely very "Organic".
Now I am even thinking about sending it somewhere to get it modded ...