Micromega CD players? Any reliable models?

For some reason I've always been intrigued with their CD players and would like to own one in a second system at some point. I've done quite a bit of reading up on their CDP's and there are some real reliability concerns. The Stage series seems to have sold well but the transport and power supply failures have kept me from buying; how about the Leader, or Duo? Or??? Appreciate any inputs, Jeff
If you like the "sound" of Micromega (I do) why not get one of their used dacs? There have been some problems with some of the Stage players and I think the only remaining places that will service Micromega are in Canada or France. While I have never owned any of their players and transports, I have had 2 of their dacs for years with no problems at all.
I have used a micromega stage 2 player for about eight years now and was astounded by the richness,clarity ,3-d sound stage,and sheer musicality(and still am),anyway micromega used the wrong type of lubricant on the transport,which dries out and causes tracking and no doubt reliability problems.All you have to do is clean off all the dried up lube then re-lubricate with something suitable,problem solved .So if you see one do not hesitate,you know what to do!

Hi, i have a Trio Drive and some CD's are skipping - always thought due to extended recording time, which is beyond the original Red Book Standard.


I would love to try the lube if that would help...