Mickey Mouse Ears

Let's do an experiment.  While listening to your music system from your ideal seating position, cup both of your hands and place them behind your ears facing the speakers.  Do you like it?  Does it sound better?  There is no doubt it sounds different.  It is not like trying to determine if there is a difference between one cable and another.  I think maybe it does sound better, at least in some qualities.  It's louder for sure.  It's kind of like putting on headphones.  A lot of people probably think headphones sound better than speakers.
If it does sound better in any way, why has no one invented audiophile Micky Mouse ears to wear on your head, too funny looking?  How about a high back chair with reflectors built into the headrest?  What do you think?  Should I run out and get a patent?

My family had very high-backed leather couches that I distinctly recall amplified the sound of conversation. It was a very noticeable difference. For a listening chair, the sound would at least be changed in some way. I occasionally see system photos with high backed listening chairs and I wonder what that is like to live with. I personally prefer to keep things open behind me. I had an ikea poang chair that definitely extended behind my head. I know a lot of other audiophiles use one. Mine was in leather so it was particularly reflective. The sound was completely different in a way that I did not like. It did not make a good listening chair for me. Maybe it works well for others.
Yes tvad, I thought this subject might have been discussed before, but I didn't know what subject to search under,  probably not Mickey Mouse ears.  Heck, I admit it, I just got lazy, and wanted hear some quick answers without doing a lot of searching.
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Wow, so somebody already invented them, I've never seen that.  I guess I'm not getting rich today.  I didn't read all 538 Amazon reviews, but one said "particularly useful with classical orchestral music. The violins are heard much clearer and are more separated".  I am curious to know if anyone has ever used them for home stereo listening.