MI 330 ics,LOW impedience?MEDIUM impedience?

I take interest in older MIT 330 interconnects.

There seem to be those marked as LOW impedience,others as MEDIUM impedience.How to choose ?( matching power amps or preamps ?or other principles as guidelines in deciding whether LOW or MEDIUM impedience?)

Besides,are there those with HIGH impedience?

*** My preamps,1.Audio research ReferenceII,Mk II
2.Krell HTS 7.1
My power amps,1.Krell FPB 650MC mono,mono
2.Krell FPB 300 stereo *************

Need your help.
Thank you in advance!

Sorry, TYPO in topic of this item.It should be "MIT" 330 interconnects.
Wish get your advise of experience.
Thank you!
Are you referring to the MIT 330 with the network boxes, or just the original (plain) MIT 330 ICs without boxes?
The impedance of MIT cable should match the input impedance of “down stream” component. For example; the impedance of the cable between your Pre. & Amp. Should match the input impedance of the amp. I believe that most Krell & ARC components are “medium” for their single ended inputs. But you could also email them or MIT for information on specific units.