MG-1 Air Bearing Tonearm? Anyone experience it?

This tonearm perked my interest because of its relatively low price, considering it's an air-bearing arm. Does anyone have experience with this arm? I have an OL Silver right now, and am curious if this would offer improvements. Has anyone else tried it?
I am suprised more people have not discovered this arm.I suspect it is because a lot of us audiophiles(myself included) always associate price with quality.The pittance,(relatively speaking),that this arm and air pump goes for makes us hesitate to give it a try.Well i gave it a whirl,and i am quite happy with it on my TNT/HRX hybrid,so much so that i parked my 10.5 arm.It is not an Airtangent in fit and finish,but i daresay it matches and maybe even exceeds the performance of my old ET2 tonearms.And even if memory is not serving me correctly,i don,t feel i am missing any thing that the ET2`s might have given me,and it certainly is not as tweaky as the ET2 was,so far for me set it and forget it.The best part though,given the performance i am getting,is the price.
Paul, do you use the damping trough?
Also what cartridge are you using with it?
I have a Clearaudio insider reference on it.I had one problem initially with the heavy weight(11gms)of the cartridge.I resorted to an admittedly"Mickey Mouse"solution,a nickel and 2 sided tape,but it works for the time being.I am working on getting additional weights from Ada.I don`t have the damping trough.I assumed you received that free after a year of ownership,i think.I am sure that will make an improvement.
Paul, why not use a canister near the TT and mount the pump in a completely different location? You can build a pretty good sized resevoir for a few bucks out of PVC and a couple of brass pipe fittings. This will not only help to stabilize and regulate the air pressure levels, but cut down on the apparent noise near the listening area. Sean
Sean i am working on that idea now,sort of like the old surge tanks for the ET2`s.The pump is noisy in the same room as the listener,especially if it is as small as mine(12x14).I got an additional 20 feet of hose and located the pump in another room.Ada mentioned some form of control valve for regulating the air flow,that would further improve the sonics of the arm.I have not had the chance to explore that suggestion.Keep those ideas coming.