McIntosh MC275

Hi all. I recently purchased a used MC275 in very good condition. The original owner said he had it service not too long ago. The amp appears to work fine but the tubes are very dim. I had them tested and they are fine with about 1/2 life still on them. Not sure what to do. Do I need new tubes or is there an adjustment I need to make? If I need new tubes then could someone give me an idea what to get and where to place them on the amp (which slots)? I want quality tubes so please, ANY guidance would be appreciated. Thank you
Tubes are not light bulbs!   I had a MC275 years ago with new tubes.  I could listen in a dark room and all I saw was a glow.  A nice warm glow. 
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I'm a proud owner of a Mc 275 mk3,my tubes are not bright or lite up like other tube amps I've owned so I think theres a pattern here,however  never an issue and love the sound,of course my kt 88s are Black Treasures so you can't see them well any how,but the 12 ax7 s don't burn bright either, wouldn't be concerned! 
If you really want to see the tubes glow, you can turn up your preamp as loud as it can go, and the power tubes do tend to glow a little brighter.

Seriously though, there are many amps and preamp out there that the tubes barely glow.  I have a Berning TF-10 that you can barely tell the tubes are on.  Tube brightness is no indication if they are "good" or not.  

2112oracle:  Have you tried any other KT-88's?  I was curious about the black treasures, but the cost at the time was a little steep for me.