McIntosh - is it that great?

I'm just curious if McIntosh gear is all that great. How does their older power amps compare to new products from other high end manufactures? Are there any products I should stay away from. I like the idea of owning vintage McIntosh stuff. Most of their stuff seems pricy. Is it because it's that good or do people just like to collect their products. thanks for you opinions--Matt
I'd have echo Rocketman and say yes, Mc gear is that great. I was one of those sophisticated "audiophiles" who never bother to listen to it always viewed Mc gear as the proverbial "my Dad's Oldsmobile".

I've been a hobbyist for over 35 years and have had some excellent electronics, based on "audiophile" standards: Krell, Naim, AudioNote, Wyetech, Art Audio, Korneff, Emotive Audio, Audiomat, Aronov. But after listening to a MC252 and MCD 205 CD player a couple years ago, I bought them. I later picked up a C42 and have been extremely happy since. Mind you I've been pleased with my system for 2 years. That's NOT ever happened. I wisdh I had listened to Mc gear 10 years ago (and about $50K ago too)
We bought an MC7200 four months ago, and haven't done a thing to our system since. Does it sound as lifelike as our SET amp? No. But it fills the house with music, and makes me want to listen to music like my BMW 528i made me want to drive.
I have owned Mac for over thirty years initially a MC2505 amp and C26 preamp and now run a MC7270 and C29 in addition to a MA6850 intergrated amp. From the viewpoint of performance,reliability and return on your audio investment, there is nothing better. McIntosh has set the standard that only others manufacturers can hope to image. I will agree there are many great high end products on the market to choose from but from my experience there is only one McIntosh.
I have a Mac C28 pre amp with a 200watt x2 8ohm Mac stereo amp bought in 1977. The sound is still smooth with a fantastic sound stage. I still use my set of B&W DM6's with them have never a a minute of trouble from both pre amp and amp and the B&W's.I have been around since the advent of HI FI sound and the Mc still leads the pack
Its funny you say that i have the exact same equipment and bought it in 1977 also. I used B&W DM6's with it but i now use B&W Matric 802 the damn system still hums