Mcintosh integrated


Does anyone have experience with a Mac integrated? I have been considering a 6900. Do they give up a lot to a Mac amp such as a 252? Any other suggestions for a sweet sounding (and powerful) solid state amp?



I listened to both a 6900 and an C220/MC252 combo. Based on what I heard, it did not take long to decide for the latter for only $1200 extra (the separate combo was on sale that day, but I would have probably gone for it anyway).

The C220 tube pre is the best I've heard in that price range (try both the 6900 and the C220 with headphones and a familiar CD and you'll see what I mean).
The MA6900 is a great choice if you need power or need to drive difficult loads such as 2 or 4 Ohm speakers.

The MA6500 is slightly less powerfull but has a greater damping factor and results in tighter sound, but not at all less sweet.

I own the MA6400, an older model, less powerful than the 6500 but built with the same philisophy. I upgraded it to the MA6900 for the lack of power I had.

Probably the MA6500 is the best compromise between sweetness (musicality) and being able to controll speakers tightly. If you would go for maximum musicality, consider the 6900. If you need to drive 12" woofers in a reflex system, the 6500 might be more interesting.
I had both 6900 and C42/MC352. I bought the latter second hand for a lower price and a better sound. MC352 is simply the most musical McIntosh ever. Combine it with a good pre amp (in my case a C42 but alternatives are possible) and you get stuuning results. Nice to play with cables. I use balanced siltech SQ88. Really never been more satisfied...
Good luck