McIntosh C1000 tube pre vs. ARC Ref 3?

Has anybody heard these against each other? Both are very well received by the audio press.
And another thing. . . McIntosh doesn't ADVERTISE with the magazine in question. Not that it has any bearing on the topic at hand, but I thought I'd point that out based on your insinuation that they are buying these awards.
Hantrax, Yes in a way I am just giving you a hard time as my opinion isn't worth all that much. However, I stand by my opinion that he ought to HEAR ( for the reasons above)them to decide for himself. Also and this might be a bit more controversial but ( with exceptions) " reviewers" opinioins are not worth worrying about one way or the other. To make a decision based on their 'latest and greatest' B.S. is silly. Trust what YOU hear and don't be influenced by these nimrods. JMHO - Jim
Are there any reasonable responses to the question of ARC REF 3 VS. McIntosh c1000? Has anyone A/B'd these two GREAT preamps? I've heard both, but at two different places with different speakers, and amps, etc. I'm looking to make a choice between these two preamps myself. I know I can't go wrong with either. I own a pair of Vandersteen 5A loudspeakers, and know the ARC REF 3 is a safe bet for my speakers, its just that I can get a great deal on either of these preamps so its difficult to just write off the McIntosh C1000. When I heard the C1000, the combo was somewhat cleaner and had an unforgettable pureness to the sound that wasn't as LARGE as the ARC Ref 3, but quieter and a bit darker. I'm torn!

Please help!
The chances of anyone(reading/posting here) who have auditioned both the REF3 and C1000 in the same system are slim and none.......and slim just left town.