McIntosh and Brystons: Fair comparison ?

lets talk about solid state amps for the Mc and the Brystons.
Are these amps in the same league ?
How is there sonic signature different from the other ?
thanks for the insight.
I have owned both. The Byston has a softer sound more air. The McIntosh has a more up front in your face sound. Used McIntosh bring 50 to 120% of their original investment depending on year and model. Bryston bring 30-50% of their value. Go with your heart. I prefer the Mac
Read the patent on the shakti stones, and you will see that it is a thoughtfully engineered piece based on sound principles of piezoelectric theory. Don't make the mistake of judging the shakti stones by name or appearance. I would say their biggest problem is marketing it in such a pseudo voodoo way which crippled their reputation with the audiophile community.
They now sell Alan Maher CBF's crystals in bulk by the pound. Someone over on the audio asylum forum took some crystals and put them in the shells of this ac plugs and IEC connectors and said it was a lot better than just putting Alan Maher CBF's inside the breaker panel.