Martin Logan Motion 20?

What do people think of this? I was prepared to be underwhelmed, but I was surprisingly pretty thrilled with it. Magnolia (Best Buy) is including the ML $500 subwoofer free with the purchase of the ML Motion 20 or 40, so I suppose I'm really responding to that combination. I've tried so many floorstanding and bookshelf speakers in the last month (love Sonus Faber Venere 1.5, and also Dynaudio X12), and I'm surprised how I can't seem to find floorstanding speakers that I like as much as these bookshelf models. I'm looking in the $1000-$1500 range, and although I liked Magnepans, I'm not going that direction. Didn't love Audio Monitor Rx6, and didn't love Vandersteen 1ci. Didn't love B&Ws. Paradigms were okay. I have a medium-size living room - 11 by 16. Thoughts? Thanks in advance! (P.S. starting from scratch - buying either Rogue Cronus Magnum or Sphinx.)
It seems no one wants to comment on this, or maybe people just haven't come across the Motion 20? I detect a skepticism from the Audiogon crowd about anything from Martin Logan that's not electrostatic. I'm put off by some of their marketing - it seems like they dumb themselves down a bit. But I really thought that this was a great speaker, especially for the price. Really nice imaging, detail, and though the bass extension wasn't the best, with a sub to take care of that, I feel like maybe you can't do much better than this for $1500.
I should also reiterate that I'm starting from scratch - but, as of today(!), I'm the proud owner of a used Rogue Audio Cronus integrated amp (not the Magnum, so it's just 55wpc). I think that's plenty of power, but maybe there are certain speakers that would make for a better marriage than the Motion 20s?
Hi, I agree with your feelings on the motion 20's, I stopped b best buy to audition the definitives monitor 55, their was a pair of the 20's in the room and I asked the salesman to ab them with the definitive, no reason, just that they were sitting there, I was amazed how good the motions sounded, so I went in there to buy the definitives (based on reviews), and bought the 20's with the free sub, bottom line is , always audition before you buy, and take reviews with a grain of salt.