Martin Logan CLX ART

So there may be an opportunity to change speakers. Won't know for sure till tomorrow.

One option might be a pair of CLX ART. From the reading I have done it shows a remarkably detailed and transparent speaker. What does not get discussed is its ability to present dynamic attach, and how it responds when aske to play dynamically challenging music like electric blues, big band, or plain old rock and roll. I do use a pair of Velodyne HGS 12 subwoofers and the pre amp has a DSP program to deal with room interactions and speaker integration.

Anyone have any observations or experiences?


Well shipping from Tennesse to Washington isn't as bad as I thought it would be. So this looks like a done deal, i am committed in principle. Just have to finish payment and they will get packed this weekend and loaded up at the beginning of next week. 

I have a pair of CLX with  a pair of Descent i subs with the CLX filters installed.  No complaints about dynamics from me, but my days of listening at near concert levels are long past, speed and detail are impressive.  Make sure your room is large enough, mine are placed at least 6 feet from the rear wall and 5 feet from the side walls.

ML rates the ART's at 110 pounds.  But, I guess that's much lighter than those Tekton sub towers the seller was using...!  Hopefully your Velodyne subs will play nice with the new speakers...!


I have a pair of Velodyne HGS12 I have planned on using with them. Sealed box servo feedback design. 

The DSP with your preamp should help with the integration of the subs and the mains, like the CLX filters which compensate for the natural roll off of the mains.

You also might want to check out the Martin Logan Owners website