Martin Logan Aerius I panel replacement

I have a pair of Martin Logan Aerius I speakers that I've owned since 1999. They sound great and I've never had a single problem with them. I'm a non-smoker who mostly listens to classical and jazz at moderate levels, using good quality electronics. Due to life-changes (marriage and a new listening space) I've decided to sell them to get a smaller speaker. 

My question is, if I've not had to replace the panels, is there any reason to think they are about to go? I read that they are supposed to only last 15 years or so, but is that really true? I just don't want to sell a potential dud to some unsuspecting person.

Curious to hear from people who are still listening to their Martin Logans with original panels.

Bought my Aerius I in 1998 and they are being used almost everyday. As long as you have not had them in direct sunlight, they should be fine.

My thoughts are yes, you should consider replacement panels.

The life expectancy of panels (especially old tech panels) is about 12-15 years.  Subtle loss of high, which if it happens slowly enough, you won't even notice its happening.

Go to the Martin Logan club owners web site.  They have good ideas and thoughts.  Also, a call to Martin Logan can't hurt.

I owned Sequel IIs and now Monolith IIIs with a Krell KBX balanced electronic crossover built for the Monolith III.

I replaced my Monolith III panels in 2006 ($860 then), now I notice the highs aren't quite there anymore.  The costs of the new panels (which does use the current better technology is $3000!!!!!  That is for Monolith III, not Aerius.

But, 1998 is long time ago. 


Thanks for your answer. As a professional flutist, I'm quite sensitive to the high register and I haven't really noticed any diminishment in the upper frequency. And today I was really cranking some tunes and there's no distortion or anything. They just put out the music. But, I'll continue to think about it...thanks
I have enjoyed the same pair of Prodigy speakers for 20+ years.
I treat them as if I want them to last.

When I think about my car, I am not wondering
if or when I should replace the engine; as long as it performs

Just curious: at what odometer reading are you planning to 
replace the engine of your car?