Mark Levinson 432 vs 532 vs 532H

Can anyone tell me the main difference in sound from these?
I have heard 532H at home, and I loved the sound, but I wonder if 432 is a better buy for the same price?
@jovialspirit 01-17-2020 7:43am

532H for $3000.00 or a Parasound a21 for $1700.00?

That is the question, isn’t it? I too am wondering the answer...
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I own a ML 336 and I must say that that series of amp is the Worst amps ML ever built . I had it over 20 years and nothing but headaches !  So so sound maybe a little soft or tube like , it's dark typical ML sound . If you like to listen for long periods you risk blowing the amp . The last time it died I got fed up and decided to move on . Someone I knew was raving about the 532 H and that it has a very cool surprise . There was one for sale and the person selling it knew I was sceptical about ML and let me try it for a few weeks . This amp , the 532 H is  very strange, the first hour of listening is exactly typical ML sound and yes it's fast , bass is nice same sound as the  ml 336 maybe faster? Really not much difference one way or the other they  are close . The second hour the amp completely changes sound ! It just gives more ! More everything ! The first time I heard this I thought it was my speakers but speakers don't do that . Then I thought it was my source . Then I read a review of this amp and  in the review that the amp just goes into an other gear the longer you listen . Some say this is the best amp  ML ever built . I can say that if you like listening to music for long periods this is could be the best ML  amp you will ever own and that includes their flag ship amps . 
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