Manley Snapper Mono's ur thoughts - PLEASE :

Today I just Sold My New Decware Zen TorII MK4 Tube amp and just purchased a set of Manley Labs Snapper Mono Blocks. Any one hear/use/own/know anything about these? I will be using them with Electrostatic Speakers, Martinlogan Spires and I would love any basic thoughts/Feedback about these. I have never heard them and going on my gut/faith in the brand based on what I have read and my love for the Manley 35 Watt mono's I own. Thank you very much for your time ...
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Did you get together on these? How are they compared to the Snapper? I'm now curious? Thanks
I cound not power my Thiel CS6s with the Snappers but can now easily with the 250s.
Off topic - sort of. Curious why you parted with your Zen TorII IV? Not enough juice? SQ? Its a new mk, so it must have had a short life in your system...
Hi thanks for the response/input. Steve Deckert and his wife especially are great people and fantastic to deal with. Some of the best there is in the audio business. The MK3 was a great amp but the Snappers are on a different level and at 3 times the retail price they should be. I can say in IMO they are even more than a 3 times upgrade though... I really liked the Tori II amps and I owned the MK2 and the Mk3 and still own their great, maybe best bang for buck preamp out there the CSP2+ that is now called the CSP3 with some minor upgrades. I actually paired it with their incredible ZSTAGE which is a tube buffer/output stage that goes right after your DAC or CDP and before your pre. This combo is amazing and I use the ZSTAGE with everything and can't live w/o it now. It just makes "any" digital that much better, more liquid/smooth as in a oil & ball baring's feel while really upping the transparency as well as carrying more weight and depth. To state simply it is a more robust and transparent sound that is instantly apparent. It really does make a difference and for anyone with mid-fi digital gear it is a revelation. The CSP2+ has individual input and output gain adjustments as does the ZSTAGE so this combo gives the user incredible flexibility to custom fine-tune the sound to their gear. Throw in some NOS tube rolling and this combo is killer and they are real cheap also. I regress. All this said the Snappers demolished the MK3 so off the TorII went:)