Manger HF dispersion, distortion specs

Hi, Audiogoners.

I've been mulling over what my ultimate hi-fi/mastering speaker will be and I'm going to try my first round with home-made Manger satellites over my current Servo 15 subs.

The Manger mains are going to be similar to the Overkill Prey's and the initial system X-over is the Behringer DCX2496. The amp will most likely be a McIntosh (I love those big blue meters) or, may be, a Nuforce.

While the documentation for the driver is quite good, there are no graphs for distortion or dispersion. Does anybody have info or knowledge about this.

optimal results occur with fast, wide bandwidth solid state amplifiers
Good to know. The poster, however, is asking for measurements.
As an importer, do you have some such to share??
Thanks for your 2 cents, Jim. I have read just about every review of the Mangers as well gone through all of the info on the site.

Yes, I will be using high bandwidth amplification. Outside of my love for the esthetics of McIntosh amps what I really love is the transparency and linearity (talkin' bout the transistors though I imagine the tubes are great, too). The Nuforce seem to be great as well, but I've never heard them. Both have a -3db around 100k.

Now that that's out of the way, any info or graphs about dispersion & distortion?

I agree with you ,i tried several amplifiers. the best one is an ASR emitter I.
Why don't you try the Manger studio monitor itself. I suggest if you want the ultimate Manger speaker, then talk to your distributor and get Daniela Manger's help to build it. As far as Overkill Audio goes, then I must say Derek Wilson has put in so much effort for a state of the result, that replicating it will take a lot of effort, time and a huge sum of money. Best of luck with your DIY.