Magnus MA-300 vs. Innersound DPR-500

Anybody has experience with these two amps ? How do they compare in driving low impedance load, musicality, transparency, sound stageimaging, etc ? DPR-500 retails for $14000 and MA-300 retails for $12000. Both have similar power output 300 W/ch (8 ohm) and 600 W/ch (4 ohm). On the paper the DPR-500 is stable upto 1 ohm load. The MA-300 does not specify anything below 4 ohm.

The question is which one is more organic, musical, transparent and can drive low impedence load and has high current capability ? I have not decided on the preamp yet. I will select a suitable tube preamp. My speaker has nominal impedence of 4 ohm but dips down to 2.8 ohm.
Your all input are most welcome.
Best regards,
Timlub, thanks for the link. Yes, I have seen that. I have seen Soulution 710 amp also on the Bay. Is it a bad amp ? Most audiophile regard this amp very highly. I will be glad to know the strengths/weaknesses of amps from real users. -:)
Just because someone else preferred the LSA does not mean you will. The only way your gonna know is if you try out a few amps and decide for yourself. In reality you could pick any high quality amp of the right power and get good sound as long as the other eq in your system matches up well together. It will take some time and effort to find components that give you the sound you want. There is no one right answer.

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The Magnus 300 has brilliant sub-bass (10 Hz to 60 Hz) execution in that it has unbending control of the woofers, giving clear bass a tremendous presence. So follow that article for wanna more about of both differences and benefits.