Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

I would recommend the S5's in your room with the Hegel amp. Imho the big Tannoy's need a large room to fully open up. Your medium sized room is better suited to the S5's imho. That said, these are completely different speakers, so that has to be weighed as well.
"You're making that recommendation without knowing the OP's room dimensions or taste in music? There is no such think as 'one size fits all’.”

I agree with you Melbguy1; and it’s not unreasonable to expect that the OP, who is about to spend a great deal of money on one of two very expensive speakers, knows that too.

Trying to summarize all of the characteristics and applications of these two very different speakers would take quite an effort. Why should anyone make that effort in light of the scant effort made by the OP? So, Westminster it is. Simple question, simple answer.
The only Tannoy in the prestige line that I have auditioned is the Turnberry SE. The sound character from this speaker somewhat similar to the Harbeth.
The sound is "SILKY" and a little darker compared to American and canadian made speakers that I owned and auditioned for so many years.

I did tried the Magico S5. I quite agree with Bhobba. The sound from S5 is a bit "Brittle". Detail and refine. And 1 word that that I think best describe the S5. It is Coherent.

I dont' know how the bigger brother of the Tannoy Prestige sound. I have yet to try. But I found the Turnberry is musical and pleasing to listen for long hours.

Should I buy Both :p ?
The Tannoy models with pepperpot/alnico drivers (from Kensington SE on up) are all more resolving than the tulip waveguides (the Churchill being the ONLY possible exception here), but they don't have anything close to a "hifi, edgy" character unless your upstream gear is as such. In fact, I find the alnico Prestige models to be both more resolving and more musical than the tulips -- well worth the extra cost. The aforementioned Churchill was a bit drier in the midrange compared to the slight sweetness of the Kensington/Yorkminster/Canterbury. Though, note that I only auditioned the Churchill once so my impressions on it are not as solid. From the tulip waveguide group I've heard: Turnberry, Genair 10 & 15, Dimension TD10 & 12, Definition DC10 & DC8, etc.

I also think that the Prestige models are more coherent sounding from top to bottom than the S5. The Tannoy bass is better integrated into the music, in my opinion.
04-01-13: Mulveling
I also think that the Prestige models are more coherent sounding from top to bottom than the S5. The Tannoy bass is better integrated into the music, in my opinion
Mulveling, I can see you are a big Tannoy fan, but I am perplexed by your answer as the S5's are perfectly phase and time coherent. May I ask if the S5's you auditioned were fully, or mostly run in, what accompanying components you heard them with & the approximate size of the room?