Luxman vs Pass Labs

Good morning guys, I need some advice. Today in my system I have a Pass Labs XP10 preamp and a Pass Labs XA 30.5 amplify. I could replace them with a Luxman 590 AXII.
I'm very attracted by the charm of Luxman, do you think it's worth it? My speakers are Audio Physic Scorpio 2.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Why are you not happy with the Pass Labs?  There comes a point where such choices are a matter of switching things to try. But, its because something else in your system is the unknown problem.
Sometimes we need to listen to attractive alternatives to confirm or reconfirm our primary choice.
Its known as cognitive dissonance.
These alternatives remind us again the reasons we made our first choice.  
genez hints at a key question.  In my experience audiophiles spend freely for things such as $5k power cords hooked into a cheap socket in a house with old O2 polluted copper or worse aluminum.
Or they keep a huge equipment rack between the speakers wrecking center fill, with turntables with the cover on getting hit by heavy bass waves.  Choose speaker locations based on ease and looks and not sonics. 

I recently moved from a great room set up with ASC traps, fabric wall hangings and small oriental carpets to balance reflection and absorption.  My 2k Triangle Celius 202's with fully redone x-over and Fountek ribbons sounded like they were $5k speakers.  New room compromised by WAF, lack of ASC traps, sound like $700 speakers.  Half hour of listening was enough for me to decide to pack them away and buy another high end can - this time Audeze to go with my HFM, Senn etc.
All my Amps are Pass Labs don’t think Luxman’s build quality is what it used to be in the old days. Just like Mac’s you have the name but not the build quality ( have Read they are now produced in another country not 100% sure of this fact) Also Pass Labs stands behind anything they sell regardless of when they built it. Had an issue with my X5 I am the second owner not even sure when it was manufactured called them on the phone and they fixed the problem. Do you think at your price point it’s that much of a significant difference to switch to gear just because you can. I think your at the point of diminishing returns. Like the person who says he can hear the difference in a $2,500 speaker cable compared to a $3,500 cable.

I would like to hear your response good luck