Luxman vs. Accuphase

I am considering purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase Solid State Integrated amp. Does anyone have experiences with both solid state integrateds? Basic differences sonically? Thanks!
I'm curious as well. Thanks to those that have done the shoot outs. If anyone has done any recently, please let us know...thanks.
I'm getting ready to audition Luxman with no comparison to Accuphase but instead Ayre. Hopefully Ayre releases the AX5 this fall.
Luxman is much better than accuphase in term of sound quality and real price-value-for-money!
I've heard several accuphase setups and none of them impressed me at all. I owned luxman l550a2, a terrific class a amp. And now i own luxman pre c7i signature and pow 7i signature. Another terrific products from luxman. You'll never get disappointed w/ lux; but i really get disappointed w/accuphase.
Thanks for the info Iluxman. Cant wait to audition the Lux. Hopefully in a week or two. My wife said if I hang the new bathroom mirror I can get one (I feel like a little kid when I say that. My mom says I can have a twinkie if I clean my room).
It's been a year.... Anyone have any new thoughts to ad to this debate???

I am thinking of replacing my Ayon Triton II, tube int, with the luxman L-590ax or the Accuphase E-560 (?)...