I call BS.....show us the studies....you cannot.
We all speak for a poplulation of 1.......this is what this game is. Every man for himself.......praise be those that actually listen for themselves and make up their own mind.
When you listen to parts and execution and swap them......it will be established....in your mind......that they sound different. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN. If you are not willing to listen then you will never learn ANYTHING about sound.
I have told this TRUE story before.......but it is a good one that illustrates the problem. There was this guy who believed that amps sounded different but that wires did not. He had just met a person new to audio and had told him of his opinions. These two were invited over to another audiophiles house that had modified Soundlab electrostats....along with another person (4 people total). When they were there they wanted to do a comparison of two different interconnect cables.......once this started the "non believer" went into the kitchen and stayed until the shootout was over......he could hear their comments while in the kitchen. All three of them (including the newby) all heard significant differences between these two interconnect cables. Then he comes back in the room and says nothing. If he had stayed in the room while they listened and they turn to him and say "well, did you hear what we all heard?" what could he say? If he says yes, then he would have been "WRONG" all those years.....not good for the ego. If he said, he did not hear any differences....then the other 3 would think he cannot hear and he would never get invited to anything again.....also not good for the ego. So, he got to keep his ego intact by putting his head in the sand. So, the question is.......Is your head in the sand? I would think its pretty dark and dim in there. Not much fun.....although you can put down others who listen instead of hide.
Not listening and thinking you know something about sound....well......its pretty stupid. Why don't you keep your eyes closed and then you will know everything about how things look.....right? or wrong? How about not touching things and thinking you know how things feel? We could go on and on.
If you want to worship measurements over sound qualtiy (as heard by the ear)....then fine. But to think this is what most here do? This is stupid. The measurement worshipers are a few very vocal people trying to save us from all those that listen.
Now, we have said the same thing over and over again....haven't we? Shall we keep dancing? I think I will choose another partner. Has been lovely........love yourself and everyone. I love you.