Looking to Upgrade and enter Hi-Fi world

OK, so last time I bought speakers about 5 years ago, I thought I was spending a lot of money when buying Klipsch speakers SF1 at $400.00 a piece. The set-up of my room has changed and I can no longer host four towers. Well I visited Sound Advice and guess what I think I am hooked on the Electra Be Floorstands. The problem is that they are way out of my budget of about 3K for the set. Already stretched up from the 2K I originally thought I would spend. I know I will spend some additional money on speaker wire and AMP upgrades I hope to time those alog with completing the system with a center, sub and rears.

Is it realistic to think that I could find a pair of used Electra Be's for that budget? I currently have a Yamaha 100W per channel Receiver, what would be the next step upgrade the receiver or add an AMP or two mono AMPS. I am charting unfamiliar territory here. I hope to make some solid steps toward a system that can be built to enjoy for music, mostly Rock and Instrumental. DVD Concerts and maybe 15% movies.

My room, the set-up is narrow about 10 feet and a little long 24 Feet. The listening position must be at about 8 feet. I had to add a desk where my floor stands once stood.

Drmoles, I surely would like to audition the System Audio speakers although the Electra's have provided me with an experience ulinke I ever had. Whe I listened to them is as if they are not even there. The music was coming from an incredibly well formatted stage. It was not in my face fot about a foot separation yet it filled the room. I auditioned other speakers in the same rooms and not even close. Anyways, how do you find a dealer for these speakers? Their website does not have a dealer finder.
I know this is taking a step back but what is a good Pre-Amp/Amp combo if I also want to have the ability to do some 7.1 although the movie sound would not be the priority.
Does anyone know a good audio store to audition these speakers/amp set-ups in Miami, FL. I currently visit Sound Advice and Sound Components(Wilson Audio/B&W dealer)

I would be great to find a showroom that sells used equipment.
Hi Fernandoea,

It sounds like you really like the Electra's, so why not just get them. The amount of money your going to spend on evaluating other speakers which you may or may not like will cost you in the end. No offense to Drmoles, but just because he likes the System Audio's, doesn't mean your going to like them. A reason why Drmoles might like these speakers might have to do with something simple such as room size or associated gear. At a dealer, you could think that they are the greatest speakers in the world and bring them home and because of room size or gear, it could sound horrible. Some dealers, with a credit card, will actually let you bring home gear to demo in your own place with your own equipment. I know a few in New Jersey, but unfortunately not in FLA. I personally have never heard the Electra line but a guy who I trust and respect basically was telling me that the 937's BE Electra's are a really great speaker and they easily beat out B&W 802's, which is the speakers I have and I like the 802's, so I might try the 937's eventually.
In Hollywood there is a little hi end store called hollywood sound. He deals in a lot of used gear. He is a featured dealer here on AG. His name is Larry and he is very knowledgable and helpful. I have delt with him on very low end items in the past and he spent a great deal of time with me for very little in his pocket. Based on that I feel he is a very honest guy who will try to steer you in the right direction. He has tons of used speakers and is a distributor for sevral lines.
If you are hooked on those that you found at sound advice(just don't like that place since tweeter took them over)then use their one year same as cash and go for the extra and get what you think you want. Remember one good thing about SA is thirty days no questions asked returns. So take em home and then decide if they are what you want.
pembroke pines