Looking to Upgrade and enter Hi-Fi world

OK, so last time I bought speakers about 5 years ago, I thought I was spending a lot of money when buying Klipsch speakers SF1 at $400.00 a piece. The set-up of my room has changed and I can no longer host four towers. Well I visited Sound Advice and guess what I think I am hooked on the Electra Be Floorstands. The problem is that they are way out of my budget of about 3K for the set. Already stretched up from the 2K I originally thought I would spend. I know I will spend some additional money on speaker wire and AMP upgrades I hope to time those alog with completing the system with a center, sub and rears.

Is it realistic to think that I could find a pair of used Electra Be's for that budget? I currently have a Yamaha 100W per channel Receiver, what would be the next step upgrade the receiver or add an AMP or two mono AMPS. I am charting unfamiliar territory here. I hope to make some solid steps toward a system that can be built to enjoy for music, mostly Rock and Instrumental. DVD Concerts and maybe 15% movies.

My room, the set-up is narrow about 10 feet and a little long 24 Feet. The listening position must be at about 8 feet. I had to add a desk where my floor stands once stood.

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To answer your questions, "Is it realistic to think that I could find a pair of used Electra Be's for that budget" My answer would be if your willing to wait, every now and than on Audiogon, you will find amazing deals, another idea is with Audiogon you have the option of putting in a free wanted add. You also asked where to go from a Yamaha, you have to kind of make a decision of whether you want to go to hi-fi stereo or go to a movie processor. With movie processors, I am not to familiar with them but I would say to get a decent music/ movie processor, you would be looking at a Lexicon or Krell, which could get expensive. Ironically enough, I have heard some Sony's, Denon's Etc.. sound even greater. If you go to Hi-Fi, than you have to think Integrated or Seperates, Tubes or Solid States. All those fun choices. My choices for budget starters are Classe (47.5 pre with 201 amp), Bryston (BP-25 with similar amp)and Musical Fidelity (A-5 integrated) are good starters. The good news about the Jm Labs, is I hear they dont require a lot of power, so you wouldnt need a massive 500 wat amp. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestions, so far it looks like the first step is to uprade my amp set up then just wait for a good deal on audiogon for the speakers. I ask for advice because I really do not want to go on a merry-go-round. I just got out of a Merry-go-round that lasted two years in golf equipment and hope to find some good building blocks advice here for my sound equipment. Musicaudio, I definetely see hi-fi as my priority and its sounds like for my budget and to keep things a little more simple Solid State Integrated or Seperate set-up is recommended. What are the main trade-offs between the two options? Again thanks for all of your help.
Hi Fernandoea,

I know what you mean by the Merry Go Round. I started the same way you did about 7 years ago. I started with a $600 B&K set up and I have evolved up through the ranks to a B&W/McIntosh set up. I would say through the years I have lost a little money with wheeling and dealing on Audiogon but as many people will tell you on here that sound is a matter of opinion and taste, so demoing and sampling equipment is sort of a must. Anyway back to your question. Integrated vs seperates, The general opinion is when you chose an Integrated, you tend to lose a little and I mean little sound quality vs seperates. I personally have heard some great Integrated's and if your operating on a budget, an integrated might be the way to go. Some recommendations not only from me but (Stereophile and The Absolute Sound) Under 2K, Ayre AX7e, Musical Fidelity A5, Krell 400 XI, Sim Audio I3 Under 1k Naim 5i got some great reviews and some by NAD and Rotel. I hope this helps.
Please!, trust me on this one. Find a System Audio Loudspeaker dealer and order a pair of 1530's, or any of their 1500 series. This tiny speakers do not have the right to sound so well!
I own a pair of JM Labs Electra 937 Be's and was never so impressed when I auditioned them for purchase than when I heard the SA 1530's. Add a reasonably priced tube integrated like Cayin or Antique Sound Labs, hook on tour peripheral sources of choice and enter the Hi Fi world with a lot of money in your pockets and a sound you can brag about. Check this link and good luck.
http://www.system-audio.dk/_en-GB/products/floor standing speakers/SA1530