Looking to build power cords.

I'm interested in building my own power cords. I have been able to find manufactures to purchase high quality plugs from, but am lacking resources for the cable. And I'm not realy sure what to look for as far as spec go for the cable, ie best guage to use, twisted thin cable strands or larger stiffer strands etc. Any help would be great. thanx
Go to www.audioasylum.com and do a search there for power chord recipies in the DIY section. Any recommendation by Jon Risch is usually excellent for cable selection. AndyL
I'm in kindergarten on this topic, and am posting only to encourage you to do DIY power cords, since I did, at first using Romex 12 gauge house wire, then graduating to better wire, the best being silver-plated copper from Distech speaker cables--a defunct brand. I braided them, and the results were quite good--better than some old Classe and Cardas power cords I'd paid about $33 per foot for. You can do much better, I'm sure, so get info and go for it!
try looking under the web site vacuum state electronics. i bought their super cables cook book. it showed you power cords and interconnects and speaker cable. my new 3$ speaker wires blow away the transparent xl something at 1500$ the power cables are on both my amps and cd....improvements but not huge...they were about 8$ to make. good luck...its all about the sound....not how much you can spend!